The Handshake is a collective of musicians centered around Brooklyn based singer/songwriter Keith Fredrickson. Combining a reverence for classic songcraft with adventurous sensibilities, the group makes music that is as catchy as it is thought-provoking. Whether he is performing solo or with a full band, the authentic humanity of Keith’s voice makes for a truly compelling listen.

The Handshake was born out of a desire to reclaim the purity that is lost when music and bad business intertwine. After the tumultuous breakup of his previous group, Keith began handwriting letters to his musician friends, asking them to be a part of his new project. Most were happy to oblige. The resulting songs have a communal feeling that is rarely achieved in this era of isolation.

The Handshake’s self-titled full-length debut arrived in 2012. A charming mix of fuzzy indie, sunny power-pop, and swaggering hard rock, the album quickly endeared itself to fans and critics, one of whom praised its ‘exceptionally written songs.’ Keith has stayed busy in the ensuing years, performing both with The Handshake, solo and a variety of other Brooklyn bands.


Photographer: Rachel Blackwell

Musician: The Handshake

Location: Brooklyn, NY